25 April 2010

21 April 2010

Pontypool 3.5/5 (D)

Great idea and fantastic set up but it all falls apart towards the end.

18 April 2010

Triangle 4/5 (D)

I'm not sure if the logic of the story completely worked but it was still interesting and enjoyable.

15 April 2010

The Headless Woman 2/5 (C)

Whilst watching I had no interest in the story or any of the characters and couldn't wait for it to be over. Afterwards the conversations I had with others and some reviews made it sound quite interesting so perhaps I should try to see it again.

11 April 2010

My Name Is Bruce 2/5 (D)

Occasionally gets the so-bad-its-good right, but mostly it's just bad. It does get better towards the end though.

The Flying Scotsman 3/5 (R)

01 April 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife 3/5 (D)

Fine, but lacks any of the depth of the novel and is more like somebody giving you a quick summary of the story.