Magnificent seems like the best word to describe The Last Jedi. As the film ended I was left thinking it was a 5-star experience. The film had it's flaws but everything came together to form a whole greater than the sum of its parts. I genuinely can't understand how anyone other than J.J. Abrams (who not only has to follow this but whose characters and stories probably haven't ended up where he wanted them) can have a problem. The moments that jar are mostly down to character flaws rather than any missteps in the film making. It's the same things with the story points that feel like they don't work - they are a result of characters making mistakes.
It probably is too long but I didn't mind and I nearly always have a problem with long films. I really enjoyed the Canto Bight scenes and they feel like an important addition to the universe (and perhaps Johnson's new trilogy) although the set up about getting there was entirely unnecessary. The humour does sometimes feels out of place but it's also very funny and as Taika Waititi said in defence of Thor: Ragnarok there really isn't enough laughter in the world at the moment.
I nearly didn't see this in 3D but I thought there might be some Imax scenes (I didn't notice if there were). The 3D is quite effective in a lot of places but the ghosting and lack of focus in other parts was an unnecessary distraction.
December 21, 2017 at 12:51PM