30 March 2015

Seeking Justice, 2011 - ★★½

The worst kind of Nicolas Cage film are the ones where he's playing a everyman. Apart from Cage the rest of the cast come from the world of TV (although Mike from Neighbours has apparently made some other films) which also lowered expectations (although I shouldn't be so dismissive of TV actors). There is a good idea somewhere in Justice but it's let down by writers who appears to have never watched another thriller and many many stupid decisions made by characters.

Despite the problems it's actually quite engaging and never boring. Cage may never go over the top but we do get some wonderfully bad highlights. There's the difficult vending machine moment as Cage makes life changing decisions about buying one candy bar or two. As Cage desperately tries to escape a police station there's the moment of longing and inspiration as he notices the exit sign. My favourite part is after breaking into a newspaper office he's noticed by another journalist who asks a difficult grammar question, surely the game is up but wait you forgot Cage is an English teacher and can answer the question and get away with it again.

March 30, 2015 at 12:28PM

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