21 February 2016

Run Lola Run, 1998 - ★★★★½

Run Lola Run with The Bays Live at Ilkley Film Festival

I was slightly apprehensive about seeing a band I didn't know perform a live soundtrack to not only one of my favourite films but one of my favourite soundtracks. I was also curious how well the film would stand up after nine years since I last saw it. I needn't have worried about the film because it still feels incredibly fresh and current (much like La Haine, shown at Ilkley Film Festival last year). It's a film bursting with energy, ideas and style. The live music worked really well but it was also odd not hearing the original especially the lack of any vocals.

I've already listened to the soundtrack again and now I want to watch the film again.

February 21, 2016 at 10:55PM

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