03 July 2014

20 Feet from Stardom, 2013 - ★★★★

Watching this at Glastonbury Festival was a great way to see the film and get an even better appreciation for the backing singers throughout the rest of the weekend. I thought most of the film was really great; full of magical moments, great characters and quite moving (watching it in a tent must explain how the dust kept getting in my eyes). Towards the end the subjects started covering the same ground and it started to feel a bit repetitive which made me wish they'd left some of it out (it also was quite uncomfortable sitting on the ground which didn't help).

I don't understand the criticisms that it isn't a well made film but perhaps the flaws were easier to overlook in the special viewing environment. Personally I think it was a more worthy Oscar winner than The Act Of Killing which may have been more interesting and worthwhile but also left me feeling manipulated whereas this just left me elated.

July 03, 2014 at 06:22PM

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