28 July 2014

The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, 2004

This screening was part of a water/shark based Sneaky Expeirence weekend at Leeds Dock. The mood was set before the film by a small beach, deck chairs, BBQ, a David Bowie impersonator and some actors pretending to be characters from the film (the problem being it was so long since I'd seen the film I wasn't sure who they were supposed to be). With a mood suitably set we all headed inside to watch the film, unfortunately sound problems meant most of the film was inaudible (not helped by the noisy hot tubs). Things were salvaged a little by turning on the subtitles but by this time most of the audience had left.

I like lots of what I saw (and struggled to hear) but it seems unfair to give this screening a rating and so it's left on my long list of films to watch again.

July 28, 2014 at 01:56PM

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