29 October 2017

Hocus Pocus, 1993 - ★★★

Over the last few years I've noticed more and more people mentioning this film, especially around this time of year. I'd always dismissed it as an insignificant family-friendly film but thought it was worth checking out. It turns out my original opinion was correct, there isn't anything particular bad about the film but there's nothing special either. I suspect it is a film that means more to people who saw it at a certain point in their lives.

October 29, 2017 at 10:24PM

Army of Darkness, 1992 - ★★★

My first viewing of the third part and a little surprised to find it's a different kind of film. More of an action comedy than straight out horror but still lots of fun.

October 29, 2017 at 10:19PM

Evil Dead II, 1987 - ★★★★

Last time I watched the Evil Dead films I preferred the first which is obviously the wrong opinion. I now realise that this is a much better film, building on the ideas of the first to realise them in a much better way.

October 29, 2017 at 10:17PM

Young Frankenstein, 1974 - ★★★★

A classic but a classic I wish was just a bit better.

October 29, 2017 at 10:13PM

The Evil Dead, 1981 - ★★★

I came to The Evil Dead late so it's never been anything special for me. It's still a film I admire and enjoy but it does feel like I've seen it all before now (which I literally have).

October 29, 2017 at 10:08PM

Thor: Ragnarok, 2017 - ★★★★½

The new Taika Waititi film doesn't disapoint, he handles the bigger budget and scale with aplomb to deliver a wonderfully entertaining fun cinematic experience. I'm not entirely sure how well this Thor fits into the rest of the MCU but that's perhaps because up until now he's been the least memorable Avenger and now he may be my favourite.

Was there anything wrong with this? It's incredibly funny, feels fresh and has a fantastic soundtrack. I did have a problem with the 3D which is a shame but not the fault of the film. There are hardly any 3D effects and the rest of the film suffered badly from ghosting beyond the point of distraction. I thought the 3D fad was dying out but unfortunately there were no 2D Imax showings.

But yeah, this was fun.

October 29, 2017 at 10:04PM

Showdown: Hallowe’en

October 29, 2017 at 04:00PM

23 October 2017

The Death of Stalin, 2017 - ★★★

The laughs were plentiful and infectious in a packed house but they were mostly amusing rather than hilarious. I suspect I don't know enough about the history to truly appreciate how clever this is. There's also something a bit odd about laughing at this kind of thing with everything else that's happening in the world. Somewhat disappointing then, considering how much I do like Iannucci's other work.

October 23, 2017 at 09:13PM

22 October 2017

It, 2017 - ★★★

The main problem with It is that the non supernatural parts are so well realised and the horror elements end up just looking silly in comparison. Those horrors mostly come in the form of predictable jump scares and there's a LOT of them. I didn't find them that effective but the rest of the late night (liquored?) crowd certainly did. The effects aren't terrible but once again using so much CGI dates the film before it's even released so it will probably look terrible in 30 years time. Which is a shame because the rest of the film feels like it could have been made in the 80s (and I mean that in a good way). There are strong performances and relationships away from Pennywise, with the adults providing much more realistic and terrifying scares.

At 2hrs 15mins it's a long film but doesn't feel that way and it actually feels like there may have been many scenes cut. The story occasionally seems to jump around a bit too much. I did enjoy myself throughout and it would seem churlish to complain that the horror parts got in the way of a much better film. I'm looking forward to Chapter 2.

October 22, 2017 at 05:18PM

17 October 2017

Dunkirk, 2017 - ★★★★½

Third viewing, this time in 70mm and definitely the best version. The colours were unlike anything else I've seen (including the 35mm and Imax version). This time I found that I followed the different timelines much better, noticing much more how they fed into and overlapped each other and there were some things I also noticed for the first time. I probably should up this to 5 stars but still feel like it's missing something.

October 17, 2017 at 09:47PM

08 October 2017

Blade Runner 2049, 2017 - ★★★★

There really isn't much wrong here (although it's hard to disagree with < a href='http://ift.tt/2g1B25m'>Imagine a future. Where women are *still* treated as sex objects) but I also found there wasn't anything truly spectacular or delivering any real emotional weight. That could just be a result of all the positive reviews creating an unreasonable level of expectations. For me, it feels more like this is just what I expect good mainstream films to be (is this even mainstream?) and everything else is so bad our acceptance levels have declined.

I do think this is better than the original and will stand the test of time just as well. It's perhaps too long and there was a whole fourth act I wasn't expecting. It wouldn't have been possible but I do think it would have been better if Ford hadn't been included in any of the publicity, the inevitably of his late appearance is distracting. It also feels like Jared Leto has wandered in from another film (again) and his first scenes seem to add very little. But it's good (better than good really) and it could have been terrible and destroyed the legacy and for that we should be grateful.

October 08, 2017 at 01:19PM

02 October 2017

Lion, 2016 - ★★★

The first part. and Sunny Pawar in particular, is really great so it's a shame that the later parts feel under developed and lacking something. It still manages to get to the emotional punch though albeit in a predictable way.

October 02, 2017 at 07:29PM

Blade Runner, 1982 - ★★★★

The Final Cut

When I last watched Blade Runner, 4 years ago on DVD, I was surprised how well it had stood the test of time. Apart from the video screens and graphics it all still looks fantastic. This time I found myself struggling with the structure and story a little. With Alien Covenant still relatively fresh in my mind I started to wonder how good a storyteller Ridley Scott actually is or if the style in which the story unfolds here now just feels dated (it's also possible that I was too tired even though I do already know the story). It still all comes together in the end but I'm already starting to think this may end up being a quite good prequel to Villeneuve's better film

October 02, 2017 at 07:21PM