23 February 2015

Man of Aran, 1934 - ★★★★

With a live score by British Sea Power.

Last year when I saw British Sea Power perform to From the Sea to the Land Beyond it took a while for the music to feel like part of the film. In this performance the music starts of strong and continues to be great throughout. The film starts off quite dull offering little more than a video backdrop to the band. Fortunately things pick up when the film takes a more dramatic turn and becomes engaging and exciting. The frantic editing fitted wonderful with the music, so much so that I started to question if the film had been re-edited for this score. As the film became more dramatic and visually impressive I also started to question if it was a documentary and if it had actually been made back in 1934. Some research after the film confirmed that there was more to the film than meets the eye but it was the genuine thing.

February 23, 2015 at 10:28PM

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