03 March 2015

The Tribe, 2014 - ★★★

As expected this was one of the highlights of #KFF16 if not entirely for the best reasons. Several people walked out, the pile of 1-star response slips was high, the audience score averaged out at 40%. I couldn't understand the 1-star ratings for something so ambitious and unique. I could understand how some of what is portrayed is too much to sit through or how the repetitive nature becomes dull long before the film ends. I say this about nearly every film and I know it's lazy criticism but this really would benefit so much from losing half an hour. Fewer uncomfortable/unnecessary sex scenes, one less trip to the truckstop, cutting some of those shots a bit earlier. A tighter film would be easier to appreciate and allow more thought about not understanding the dialogue and what part that plays in storytelling. As it stands you're more likely to just get frustrated and bored than engaged.

Interestingly I talked to more than one person later in the festival who thought they had been too harsh only giving the film one star.

March 03, 2015 at 10:42PM

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